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 Examples of what I THINK are accetable uses for lights

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Examples of what I THINK are accetable uses for lights Empty
PostSubject: Examples of what I THINK are accetable uses for lights   Examples of what I THINK are accetable uses for lights EmptyTue 29 Mar 2011 - 10:53

I posted this on Skywarn and thought I should share here

Examples of what I THINK are accetable uses.
(These are my opinions and do not apply to authorzied spotter groups or Vol FF that are authorizied to use lights)

1. Parking lot taking pitctures or showing your storm ride off to the public.

2. When driving and a hazard such as wires on the road you can "Light 'em up" To warn people behind you that is ok. But only a hazard in which life could be threatned. I think if a tornado is crossing the road and the person does not see that as warning enough to stop, do you think your amber lights will.

3. If you pull up on an accident, I'm ok with that too. But you are responsible for proper vehicle positioning that allows the real emergency crews access and does not impact traffic flow.

4. If it's just you and your buddies out on a deserted stretch of road. Go ahead have fun.

5. And here are the nevers. Never use your lights while driving. This privledge should be reserved for emergency vehicles only! Once safely off the road in a good spotting position, turn them off.

6. If you have front and back lights, put them on independent switches and use them only as needed to alert people coming toward your position from front or back. (As applys to rule 2 & 3)

7. If you have lights you should also have visible markings identifying who or what you are. Doesn't have to be big, just visible. I would recommend magnet type.

Again these is only my opinions but I am pretty confident they represent "responsible use". But 1 personal peeve and this will draw my wrath and fury! If you are using light(s) "on" of any kind and you cut me off and then stop in the road the clash of the titans will occure! You are not authroized to do this! Not really clash but I will be extremly pis**d off.

As I close my rant keep this thought in mind. If you need you light(s) on to alert people you are safely off the road. Are you really safely off the road?

And so we are clear I do have lights in my vehicle. But can honestly say they have been used only 3 times in situations 2-4 in many years and lots of storms.

Last edited by Marc on Tue 29 Mar 2011 - 11:04; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : *Spelling)
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Examples of what I THINK are accetable uses for lights Empty
PostSubject: Re: Examples of what I THINK are accetable uses for lights   Examples of what I THINK are accetable uses for lights EmptyTue 29 Mar 2011 - 10:59

Like this YES... I Likey!
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Webmaster/ExWx Media
Webmaster/ExWx Media

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Examples of what I THINK are accetable uses for lights Empty
PostSubject: Re: Examples of what I THINK are accetable uses for lights   Examples of what I THINK are accetable uses for lights EmptyTue 29 Mar 2011 - 21:04

Yeah, to be honest forward facing lights are pretty useless except to alert on coming traffic that "we" are around taking pictures and such. Otherwise I wouldn't use them. Rear facing was a big one when I decided to get some because in '09 I was stopped on I-70 and it wasn't a pleasant experience without any type of warning when visibility is low.
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