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 A veiw of the Bowdle, SD storm from the air!

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3 posters

Number of posts : 925
Age : 50
Location : Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Registration date : 2008-04-26

A veiw of the Bowdle, SD storm from the air! Empty
PostSubject: A veiw of the Bowdle, SD storm from the air!   A veiw of the Bowdle, SD storm from the air! EmptyTue 23 Nov 2010 - 11:45

This is amazing!! A veiw of the Bowdle, SD storm from the air! WOW!

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Webmaster/ExWx Media
Webmaster/ExWx Media

Number of posts : 616
Location : Bennett, CO
Registration date : 2009-05-24

A veiw of the Bowdle, SD storm from the air! Empty
PostSubject: Re: A veiw of the Bowdle, SD storm from the air!   A veiw of the Bowdle, SD storm from the air! EmptyTue 23 Nov 2010 - 14:28

Absolutely amazing!

Like this Joe likes this.
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EF-1 Tornado
EF-1 Tornado

Number of posts : 54
Age : 42
Location : Fargo, ND
Registration date : 2010-12-08

A veiw of the Bowdle, SD storm from the air! Empty
PostSubject: Re: A veiw of the Bowdle, SD storm from the air!   A veiw of the Bowdle, SD storm from the air! EmptySun 27 Feb 2011 - 20:10

Wow, very beautiful. Always wondered what was going on up there during a tornado!
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Number of posts : 925
Age : 50
Location : Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Registration date : 2008-04-26

A veiw of the Bowdle, SD storm from the air! Empty
PostSubject: Re: A veiw of the Bowdle, SD storm from the air!   A veiw of the Bowdle, SD storm from the air! EmptySun 27 Feb 2011 - 21:17

Well I know what it looked like underneth! Smile A veiw of the Bowdle, SD storm from the air! 505945
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A veiw of the Bowdle, SD storm from the air! Empty
PostSubject: Re: A veiw of the Bowdle, SD storm from the air!   A veiw of the Bowdle, SD storm from the air! Empty

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A veiw of the Bowdle, SD storm from the air!
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