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 Video of the Massive EF4 tornado

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2 posters

Number of posts : 925
Age : 50
Location : Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Registration date : 2008-04-26

Video of the Massive EF4 tornado Empty
PostSubject: Video of the Massive EF4 tornado   Video of the Massive EF4 tornado EmptyMon 31 May 2010 - 10:20

Video of the Massive EF4 tornado 505945 Here is some video of the massive EF4 tornado that struck near Bowdle, SD 5/22/2010.
This video also shows several other tornadoes caught that day.

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USN DevilDolphin
USN DevilDolphin

Number of posts : 149
Age : 43
Location : Coatesville, IN
Registration date : 2009-08-01

Video of the Massive EF4 tornado Empty
PostSubject: Re: Video of the Massive EF4 tornado   Video of the Massive EF4 tornado EmptyMon 31 May 2010 - 16:13

Damn I cant wait to get my HD camera and come down there and shoot some awesome video with you all. And for the record, if that dousche rocket at around the 7 minute mark would have pulled that stunt with me, he would have seen the push bumper on the front of my truck real close and personal! What the hell was that object that passed within a few feet of the car at turbo speed around the 7:34 mark and again around 7:38? Whatever it was, it was MOVING!
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Number of posts : 925
Age : 50
Location : Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Registration date : 2008-04-26

Video of the Massive EF4 tornado Empty
PostSubject: Re: Video of the Massive EF4 tornado   Video of the Massive EF4 tornado EmptyTue 1 Jun 2010 - 7:07

Brian the stuff flying past the car was corn.
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USN DevilDolphin
USN DevilDolphin

Number of posts : 149
Age : 43
Location : Coatesville, IN
Registration date : 2009-08-01

Video of the Massive EF4 tornado Empty
PostSubject: Re: Video of the Massive EF4 tornado   Video of the Massive EF4 tornado EmptyTue 1 Jun 2010 - 13:39

Good thing they didn't hit the windshield! Back home I used to have permission to ride 4 wheelers in the farmers fields by my house after they harvested the crops and I know what a corn cob feels like when it hits you at about 40.....those look like they were going WAY faster!
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Video of the Massive EF4 tornado Empty
PostSubject: Re: Video of the Massive EF4 tornado   Video of the Massive EF4 tornado Empty

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Video of the Massive EF4 tornado
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