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 Cool toolbar trick Live Scanner Feeds

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Number of posts : 925
Age : 50
Location : Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Registration date : 2008-04-26

Cool toolbar trick Live Scanner Feeds Empty
PostSubject: Cool toolbar trick Live Scanner Feeds   Cool toolbar trick Live Scanner Feeds EmptySat 2 Jan 2010 - 10:53

Listen to live scanner feeds through the new toolbar. Go to http://radioreference.com

Select the state and scanner feed you want.

On the live feed you want select >windows media player as the player (on the left side of feed), then >right click the speaker icon on your selected feed (on the right side of your feed). Select >Save target as, and download the file. Save it where ever you want (My Documents works well). Then on the toolbar radio click on the down arrow on the radio and select Select >Add/Edit Stations Click >Add your files and select the file you just downloaded. It's that simple. Now you have a live scanner feed from the toolbar.

You can also edit the name of your feed by selecting your feed and then click edit.
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Cool toolbar trick Live Scanner Feeds
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